Supervisory work at Famifarm is always very hectic. During the workdays, the main focus is always on optimizing the production flow and delivering our fresh Järvikylä herbs and salads to the clients.
We decided to invest in a compact program lead by outside expertise and asked for an offer from Bravemotion. We knew they had exquisite skills in leadership training, suitable also to our needs.
The program Bravemotion suggested consisted of all the essentials that we thought would support our supervisors in their personal growth . We organized the training as half-day events during seven days. The supervisors participated in two groups according to their daily working shifts. While one group participated in the training ,the other group was supervising the production. This worked up well for us, and the supervisors could fully focus on their development

This development program– planned and executed by Tuija Janakka – was top quality! She impressed us with her calm and engaging way of working. We always waited eagerly for the next meeting. I have seen many trainings with similar contents, but the outcome of this one was on another level. We went significantly deeper in both practical matters and our personal relationships. Often these types of trainings concentrate on legal issues and practices. This time we went beyond them and studied self-awareness and personal development needs. We also learned about the strengths and typical working methods of our colleagues.
This training helped us to understand how much better results we can get when we shift from the authoritarian leadership style to coaching leadership. Now, the supervisors know how to coach their subordinates in a new, solution-oriented way by using the various methods and skills they learned during Bravemotion training.
The training provided also understanding and personal experience of the power of positive feedback!
This training has made us a stronger and more supportive work community with a deepened understanding of each other. The cooperation with Bravemotion will continue.
I can warmly recommend the training programs of Tuija Janakka from Bravemotion.
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